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Outlining the new 2019 Microlight Syllabus

Updated: Feb 27, 2020

The BMAA have been working on a new syllabus fit for modern microlights for a few years and as of 1st January 2019 all new microlight students will use it. Students who commenced training prior to that date can remain on the old syllabus, or switch to the new one.

The new syllabus largely follows the old format, but it has now been split into phases and some exercises which were previously combined are now listed separately.

Phase 1: Familiarisation Exercises and Foundation

1. Air Experience

2. Aircraft Familiarisation

3. Preparation for flight and action after

4. Effects of Controls

5. Taxiing

Phase 2: The Basic Flight Manoeuvres

6. Straight and Level Flight

7. Basic Climbing and Descending

8. Performance Climbing and Descending

9a. Turning Flight

9b. Climbing and Descending Turns

Phase 4: Take-off, Landing and Circuit Flying
Phase 4: Take-off, Landing and Circuit Flying is a natural hurdle for many students and may take longer than the other phases to complete.

Phase 3: Slow Speed Handling

10a. Critically Slow Airspeed

10b. Stalling and Spin Avoidance

Phase 4: Take-off, Landing and Circuit Flying

12. Circuit Training

13. Advanced Take-Off and Landing Techniques

Phase 5: Advanced Handling

14. Advanced Turning

15. Unusual Attitudes

Phase 6: Operational Hazards, Emergency Procedures and Unexpected or Unplanned Occurrences

16a. Forced Landings

16b. Precautionary Landings

16c. Operation at Minimum Level

16d. Actions in the event of a fire

16e. Systems Failures

Phase 6: Operational Hazards, Emergency Procedures and Unexpected or Unplanned Occurrences
Phase 6: Operational Hazards, Emergency Procedures and Unexpected or Unplanned Occurrences

Phase 7: Solo Flight Training (Minimum 7 hours)

17a. First Solo

17b. Solo Circuit, Local Area Orientation and General Handlng Consolidation

Phase 8: VFR Navigation (Minimum 5 hours of which 3 must be solo)

18a. Pre-Flight Planning

18b. En-Route Navigation, Departure and Arrival Procedures

18c. Navigation at Minimum Level and/or in Deteriorating Conditions

18d. Unsure of Position and Lost Procedures

Phase 9: Preparation for the General Skills Test and Ground Oral Exam

19a. Dual Revision for the GST

19b. Revision for the Aeroplane Technical Part 2 (Ground Oral) Exam

19c. Documentation Review

Theoretical Ground Training Subjects: Human Factors


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Aviation Meteorology


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